Let’s choose calmly

It happens that in the midst of a stressful conversation, we suddenly realize in confusion that we are completely unable to choose the exact word. Psychophysiologists from the University of Colorado (USA) found out why at https://over18supplies.com/unpacking-the-recent-historic-cannabis-court-decision-in-uganda/ the most crucial moment our brain seems to be “stammered” and, despite all our efforts, we cannot decide…

5 ways to effectively prepare for the exam

Summer is not only the sun, walks in the park and rest on the beach. For students and schoolchildren, this is also the time of exams. In a short time, they have to learn a huge amount of material in different subjects, and this task is not from simple. However, there are methods that will…

The heirs of Abraham

Religion brings morality. Some consider this statement to come true. In others, it causes bewilderment. But how are religious fanatics, “in the name of faith” killing hundreds of people? Religion brings morality. Some consider this statement to come true. In others, it causes bewilderment. Indeed, in the scriptures of different peoples there are mysterious and…